
Hastinapur was bustling as usual. The princes had arrived, after completing their education, the day before and everyone was still in the jolly mood. All the Rajkumar's had proven their mettle at the kala pradarshan, even the stranger, who was now a king, had impressed the subjects with his skills.

An even bigger shock came when Rajmata Kunti revealed that Angraj Karna was her son as well. There had been a great havoc. Dhritrashtra was furious, but also found this as a great opportunity for his son to be the next yuvraaj. This was until Kunti procured a letter by Maharaj Pandu himself stating that he accepted Karna as his son, and would have adopted him if he had been alive. The matter settled for the time being but everyone knew it would be discussed again. The pandavas and Karna had made up with a lot of apologies and tears.

The royal court was called to discuss the important matters, this time in the presence of the princes. In the midst of a discussion, a messenger entered with several dasis following him. Everyone looked confused, Mahamantri Vidur decided to speak up,"Who has sent this message and from where?" The messenger bowed his head and replied,"Mahamantri Vidur, this message has been sent by someone who does want to reveal their identity, They've also sent these gesturing towards the plates filled with hundreds of Ladoos as a gift for everyone in the court."

Everyone grew suspicious as it could be a folly," Bring me the message here", ordered Vidur.

He gave the letter a single glance and a wide smile graced his lips,"Maharaj , I assure you this letter is sent by a well-wisher, but they wish for all of us to eat these ladoos while we listen to message" Even though everyone was confused they still each took a ladoo in their hand as Vidur began to read the letter out loud. They couldn't even take a single bite before spiting it out as it was bitter instead of sweet.

"I spent the first half of my childhood in your arms, and some of it within these walls. Truth will always be bitter, similar to these ladoos that you ate. And the truth is you all have forgotten about me.

Gangaputra Bhishm has forgotten his Padmaa

Rajmata Kunti and Vidur have forgotten about Dharini

Dharmraj forgot about Dharmaa

Vrikodar forgot about Malini.

Savyasaachi has forgotten about his shadow

Nakul has forgotten Nitya

and Sahadev has forgotten about Harini


But I have not forgotten about any of you, for I have all of our memories engraved in my heart. I came to Hastinapur and entered the palace to meet all of you but now I won't. I am angry, very angry at all of you, and I have decided that I will continue to stay in the shadows till I forgive you all.

Maharani Sagarika "

By the time Vidur finished reading everyone was in tears, Maharani Gandhari and Rajmata Kunti had left the balcony and entered the court, Bheeshm was crying softly, Gandhar Raj had a frown on his face and the Pandavas were ecstatic. After 12 years, they were finally going to meet the person they all have longed to see.

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