Chapter 1

Maharaj Pandu is now living in the forests with his wives, Kunti and Madri, and five sons. 

Maharaj Pandu's pov:

Even though I had left part of my family back in Hastinapur, I was content. Being the king was no joke and I am happy Jyeshth took over, I know he will do a better job at being a just ruler. This life in the forest was beautiful, my tiny world in the midst of nature. I also really enjoy teaching the kids, I will make sure Yudhishthir becomes a worthy Yuvraj and when the time comes, Jyeshth will be proud of Yudhishthir while making him King. 

All of us were walking down the shore, after completing a puja. Midway Bheem sat down and cried, "Mata I am hungry, lets take a food break please. Pitashree please."
Everyone chuckled as Nakul spoke up,"Bhrata didn't you just take a break? You even ate our share of ladoos!" "Tum maun raho Nakul, varna bohot marr khaoge", yelled Bheem.

"Its already time for lunch, lets all sit down, Madri and I will serve everyone", smiled Kunti.

Third person pov

Everyone sat down under a tree, and started to enjoy their meal, when they suddenly heard the rustling of the leaves. Everyone stood up immediately, Maharaj Pandu had his weapon ready. Even the young Pandavas and the two queens were ready to protect. They heard a warning growl, which was followed by another deep growl. Two tigers. What would happen now?
Before they could even move they heard a tiny "shhhhhh".
Pandu spoke up," Kaun hai wahan? Sheegra hi apna parichay do"
Suddenly a pair of eyes peeked from behind the tree, followed by the eyes of the tigers.
Kunti stepped forward, " Bahar ajao, hum koi haani nhi pahuchaenge", she said smiling. They saw a young girl, walk towards them, looking wary.
The tigers followed her, baring their teeth at the Pandu clan. The girl smacked them on the head, "Moti, Madhu .....shaant ho jao"
Surprisingly the tiger backed down, shocking everyone.

Kunti's pov

She looked at us curiously, I smiled at her," Naam kya hai tumhara?".
She came forward and replied," Mere gurudev mujhe Padmajaa bulate hain", she had a loving smile on her face. She looked at our sons and smiled," Aap bhi inke gurudev hain kya?", she asked Aarya. "Nahi putri, Aarya inke pitashree hain aur mai aur Madri inki Mata." A look of confusion passed her face, "Oh?"
Madri, who was also confused, asked her where her parents are.
The poor girl looked lost," I don't know. I live with my Gurudev and Guruma". We were all speechless. Was this girl abandoned by her parents?

All of us had a lot questions, but I must feed this poor girl first. "Come sit with us child, here have this, you must be hungry", I smiled at her, offering her a ladoo. Her eyes sparkled at the laddoo and she happily took it and sat down with us. Without even looking at up, she broke the laddoo into several pieces and offered two pieces to the tigers. She ate the rest of it quietly. "Thankyou for the laddoo, it was very tasty", she joined her hands in respect and bowed down. My heart swelled with love, such an angel she is.
Aarya decided to speak up, "Putri, are you lost? Should I take you back to your home?" She smiled at this, "Thank you but I was just visiting my friends...I always reach home before dark or guruma gets worried" ,she replied, while chuckling slightly.
"Guruma?", asked Aarya.
"Yes I live with my Gurudev at his ashram on top of the hill nearby", came her reply.
So she didn't have any parents.
She walked with us all the way back to our hut, telling us stories about her friends. It took us a while to realize that her friends were actually the animals from this forest.
"How do you know all the animals in this forest?", asked Nakul fascinated.
She smiled wide and proud and replied, "Because I am the queen of jungles!"
"If you ever want to call me just ask the birds, they will deliver your message. They always look out for me, all of my friends do. They even help me when I get lost, that is why I always reach home safely.", she told us, smiling at the tigers who were still following her.
"Allow me to leave now as it is getting late, but I will visit soon. You all were so kind to me, next time I will bring my special handmade laddoos. I even escaped gurudev's anger with the help of those laddoos", she giggled and stood up to leave.
Aarya smiled at her and helped her down the hut, "Think of us as your family too, visit anytime you want. And if you ever need any help, don't be shy, all you need to do is ask."
She beamed at us," Thank you once again." She waved at us one final time before skipping away, making us all laugh.
"What a sweet girl", said Madri, " how can a parent abandon their own child?" I winced, remembering my firstborn, was he in good health? I sent a quick prayer for his well-being before returning back to the conversation.
"I hope she has a great life ahead, I already feel so attached to her", giggled Madri. I smiled, it was true. There was something about this girl, the way she spoke, the way her eyes always held some mischief, I knew she would be a well-loved by our family.


At the ashram:

Third person pov

Bhagwan Parshuram waited patiently, as his wife paced back and forth nervously. Padmaja was late again. He sighed. He knew he could never yell at her, but his wife could and she will. He thinks she must have stopped to help someone for sure. His Padmaja had a kind heart and cared for everyone. This was one of the reasons why she developed such a strong bond with one of my students, Karna. He let the friendship bloom because he already know how their fate would turn out. Karna will need someone in his life who would love him and care for unconditionally yet reprimand his mistakes with equal force.

Bhagwan Parshuram's pov
I hear footsteps and already know its her. I get ready to scold but my wife beats me to it, already running towards her. "How many times have I told you to come home early? *twisting her ear* when will you listen? I should ask Aarya to not let you go out anymore, then you'll understand. Just wait and watch now.", said Dharini. "Aaaah .....Guruma choriye, it is hurting. I'm sorry. Gurudev ask her to leave me, I was talking to my friends, that's why I was late", Padmaja tried explaining. "Those friends of yours, I tell you. Where are they? MOTI ! MADHU! Come out at once....", yelled Dharini. The poor animals knew better than that and stayed hidden in their place. "No no I made  new friends, there was a family in the forest, they gave a laddoo to eat as well" she said. Dharini froze and looked at me. I knew what she was thinking, I sighed and walked outside. She let go of the little girl who immediately ran towards the ashram, surely to meet her only friend around.  

I could hear my wife's footsteps follow me outside. "Aarya!? Is it really them? Did she meet them already? Can't we do something?" I smiled at my wife's questions. Both of were now incredibly attached to this little girl, "Yes, It seems she has already met Maharaj Pandu and his family....No Dharini, how can we interfere with fate, we have to let her fulfill her destiny.", I explained her softly. I could see my wife had a frown on her face,"Aarya how can we let her go, what if we keep her with us, things wouldn't change and go as they were planned anyways" 

I smiled at her, "Isn't she here to change some things, isn't this why she asked to be born in this yug? Don't worry, she is here to help and when the time comes, she'll have a lot of people stand by her side." This seemed to calm her a little and she went back towards her room calling Padmaja's name. I understood my wife's worries. When the time comes, it will be hard for both of us to let her go. 

Karna's pov

I was at the ashram practicing my archery, I will make my parents and gurudev proud one day. All I need to do is...."Vaasuuu..",I heard someone yelling my name, interrupting my thoughts. I saw Kalindi running towards me, I call her Kalindi because her smile is as radiant as the sun. After my parents, she is the only person who has treated me with respect and warmth. I have promised myself that I would always protect her and keep her from evil. "Look what I brought you today", she yelled while running towards me. I laughed, this girl can never be quiet. "What is it? Is it a gift for me? Is this a compensation for always eating my share of laddoos?", I ask her amused. She puffed her cheeks, which had started turning red, "if you want it then put out your hand, don't question me with nonsense things", she grumbled angrily. I swear this girl has no patience and her mood swings are on a different level. "I am sorry, please forgive me", I put my hand forward. She place a seashell on my hand, "This is for you, it will always remind you of all us, your family. It is golden and shiny, just like your armour" I froze, I could feel the tears welling in my eyes, I pray to all the gods and thank them for bringing her in my life. "Thank you, I will tie this around every bow I own. I will never lose this, I swear", I told her truthfully.

"Life isn't only about the big moments whether they be good or bad. Maybe it's about the small things that stretch out to strengthen the most tenuous bound."

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