Chapter 1

A bit of a backstory...

Karna has completed his education and is now returning. He told Parshuram Bhagwan about his familial background, so he was not cursed. After the Kala Pradarshan, he goes straight to meet his parents now as the King of Anga.

Karna's pov

I hope Mata and Pitashree are proud of me. Mitr Duryodhan was nothing but kind to me, I wonder why people have such harsh opinion of him. And look at that Rajkumar Arjun, so full of ego and pride, and people dote on him and his brothers. I entered my house to see mother crying and my father consoling her. I ran towards and asked what was wrong. My father glared at me, "Why did you go the kala-pradarshan? It was only meant for the princes of hastinapur, not even the rajkumars from other kingdom were allowed to participate, what made you think you deserved to intervene?" I was shocked, I never expected my father to say this, but what he said made sense as well so I kept quiet. "Putra, we agreed for your education because we know you are worthy, but now you've got yourself entangled within the webs of Hastinapur. Not a single person in Hastinapur is unaware of the political games played inside the royal house, deep rooted with envy, jealousy and vengeance. Now you'll have to pick a side, and towards the end it wouldn't which side you take because its always the poor that get hurt when the rich play.", my mother cried.

"Mata, don't you have faith in your son? I was made the king solely on the basis of my merit, isn't that a matter of pride. I understand that I shouldn't meddle in this family politics, but Mitr Duryodhan has been so kind to me. I am obliged to stand by him , Mata....It is only fair.", I tried to explain.

"Fair? Nothing about this is fair. Kindness never asks for anything in return, and if it does then its not kindness.", yelled Pitashree.

"Putra, there is still some time, give everything back and come back to us. You don't have to do this. You don't need riches to prove your mettle. Do it by helping the people of this kingdom. ", Mata sobbed. "I am sorry Mata, I would do everything for the good of the people, but I can't disrespect Rajkumar Duryodhan by returning everything. I can't repay his kindness with disrespect.", I told her with firmness. My father walked towards ne abd joined his hands,"Then I suggest you leave this house immediately, I taught my son to understand the difference between good and bad intentions. It seems you've forgotten everything. You are no longer the Vasusena we remember, Angraj Karna. You are not welcome in this house anymore." My heart shattered,I just wanted to prove the world that I am a great warrior. I don't know if I can bare this punishment, but it’s father’s wish. I leave Hastinapur with one thing on my mind. I will make my parents proud of me. I will work hard for the prosperity of the people. Mitr Duryodhan, Dushasan, Ashwatthama and Gandhar Naresh Shakuni also joined me. I was quickly crowned as the King of Anga by Rajkumar Duryodhan. When they left, I immediately got to work. I got well acquainted with all the courtiers and had a private meeting with the royal advisor and the Mahamantri. Once I understood the high and the lows of my kingdom, I went to my chambers. I did not want to waste any time, so I sat all night trying to come with better plans that could help the kingdom prosper. Anga isn't independent yet, and still fell under Hastinapur's province, so I knew that no one would interfere in our matters for a while. That would give me enough time to focus solely on development.

Third person

Karna spent the next few months working relentlessly for his cause, and the difference was becoming clearer everyday. He wanted to prove himself to the world, to make his parents proud and to repay the kindness that his friend bestowed on him . He was blissfully unaware of the fact that he would become an integral part of the history, his parents were proud of him since the day he took his first step. And the kindness, he was grateful for, would make him sign his life to Duryodhan. Word traveled fast, and soon many kingdoms in Aryavart were talking about the drastic change in Anga. Amongst the lot, there was also a princess who admired the man who truly worked for his people.

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