Chapter 2

It was a beautiful morning, it seemed as if all the flowers had bloomed together. Suryadev helped the earth look ethereal with its golden glow. There a sense of peace in the silence, and the king of Manipur marveled it. If he could just pause the time for a few seconds and just.. "PITASHREE" ,his thoughts were interrupted by the voice of his daughter.
He chuckled, how silly of him to think of peace and quiet when all four of his children could easily shake Manipur with their chaos. Wondering what might have caused this distress, he walked towards his daughter. Her was red with anger, eyes filled with tears, cheeks puffed out and hair messily scattered, looks like she had a fight with her youngest brother.

"Pitashree, This time he has crossed all limits. I am here to simply ask if you will punish that brat or should I go Jyeshth for help?", she yelled.

Chitravahna's pov (King of Manipur)

We both knew that my eldest never tolerates any prank towards her and has pampered her since the day she was born. All she needs to do is call for her Jyeshth and he would break down the palace walls just to reach her. I tried to calm her down, "Putri, take a deep breath. How do you expect me to solve the issue without what the problem is. Tell me what happened?" My daughter was like fire, she was never calm. As she began her story, instead of subsiding her anger increased,"Bhrata Shivesh and I were practicing with the swords. I disarmed him and he surrendered. But the next moment he pulled my hair and kicked my sword away. What kind of a coward is he? How will his hair pulling technique help him in wars? Then when I kicked him to gain control, he said that I was cheating and went away. He even lied to Mata about it Pitashree."
I groaned internally. When they fought as children we all thought they will stop as they mature, but these two have just gotten worse. Shivesh also is no good, he knows just how to get a reaction out of her and once she is angry, she'll carry the palace on her head. "Putri, this time Shivesh is indeed in the wrong. Let your Jyeshth handle this situation.", I tell her. Her face lights up immediately and she runs away.
As I entered my room, I found my wife sitting alone, reading multiple letters at the same time. "Priye, what are you doing ?", I asked her, confused.
"Aarya,I know you all love to pamper our daughter, the entire kingdom treats her like she is still a baby but she is of age now. We need to conduct her swayamvar, so she can pick her suitor." My heart clenched at the thought. It is rightly said that the daughter will always have a special place in the heart of a father. I love all my children and am very proud of them but I find it unfair that I have to part with my daughter. The sons get to stay with their parents yet the daughters leave. "I'll have a word with her first, if she agrees then we'll conduct her swayamvar next year.", I decided to give myself a year to come to terms with this, otherwise I wouldn't let her go.
Third person
The palace guards and maids couldn't help but giggle. The princess of Manipur dashed through the halls, with the youngest prince just behind. It seemed that princess wanted to have a revenge of her own. The prince, now covered with bright red gulaal (Powdered colour) and was close to turning red with anger as well. They could hear Rajkumar Shivesh yell, "Aadrika! You stop right where you are. If I catch you, I will make sure you regret it. You can't run away from me..."

The young prince had gulaal in his hands and intended to make sure his sister was covered in it. Aadrika refused to surrender and looked around for some help. Her eyes lit with mischief when she saw her brother coming out of his room. Since he was the second eldest, Kairav took charge as the royal advisor and the commander of the army. He would often help the Yuvraaj and the King in all matters. At the moment, he was coming out of his room, when he saw his baby sister making hand gestures towards him, calling him over. He smiled, walking towards her and wondered what was going on. As they were speaking, she suddenly ducked and sat down, before he could register what was happening, a fistful of gulaal was thrown at him and coloured him red. Shocked, he looked up to see his younger brother who had fear written all over his face. Aadrika burst into fits of giggles as she hid behind her brother. "Shivesh, run as fast as you can dear brother, today I will break each and every bone in your body.", grumbled Kairav and ran after Rajkumar Shivesh, who was already zooming across the palace halls. The three royals had no idea that their parents were watching them from the balcony, wondering when will they grow up!

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