Chapter 3

1 year later:

Anga pradesh had prospered drastically. The kingdom was blooming with business and the people loved their king. True to his words, he worked only for the welfare of the people and nothing else. His happiness knew no bounds when he got the message that his mother was visiting. He prepared for everything.
Meanwhile the young princess too agreed for marriage and put forward her terms for the swayamwar. As the kingdom of Manipur was anticipating their princess's swayamvar, the princess was secretly doing her own research. Both Karn and Aadrika were unaware how fate would intertwine their lives.

Karn's pov

To say that I was excited would be an understatement. Mata was coming to Ang pradesh today and I am beyond ecstatic. It has been a year since I've met my parents, I have been trying to work as hard as I can to make the relations between the kingdoms. A well trade relation would help the people of Ang prosper, and make us self-reliant as a kingdom.
I was standing near the gates, waiting for my mother. The moment I saw her approaching, I couldn't help myself but smile wide. She was finally here.
"Maa, thank you for coming here. How is your health? How is pitashree? What about...",I bombarded her with my questions before I was cut off. Mata chuckled, "Maharaj, will you please invite in your palace first?" I blushed. "Of course Mata, please come with me. I'll take you on tour tomorrow. Today, I just want to stay with you and talk. I've missed you both.", I confessed.
We spent the entire day in leisure, just talking about everything. We talked about our experiences in the past year. She told me that Pitashree was still angry, but I knew that behind the walls of anger was fear and concern. I told her that I would wait patiently for the day that Pitashree comes to Ang. As the night fell upon us, Mata and I decided to take a walk in the garden, Mata had a troubled look on her face, as if she wanted to say something. "Maa, if there is something you want to say, please do so freely. ",I tell her. She looked at me and smiled, "Putra, I am blessed to have a son like you. But I also worry a lot about you. You live alone here, away from us. I know you are more than capable to protect yourself from evil, but son even the strongest person requires some mental support and love. You are well settled in this kingdom, why don't you marry now? You might not realize it now, but having a partner will also help you better yourself." I frowned, the thought of marriage had not even entered my mind. Who will I even marry? I know I am a king now, but not everyone is open-minded. Once they find out that I am sut-putra they might step back. What's the point of going through this humiliation? Mata must have understood my thoughts because she broke the silence, "Putra, have faith in Narayan. I know he will help you find your ardhangini(better half). I am not asking you to get married today itself. All I ask, is that if an opportunity presents itself, do not back away from it. It doesn't matter who she is, we just someone who you can share a special bond with Putra", she said, caressing my cheek. "Okay Maa, I'll do as you say. "Even though I said yes, I have so many doubts looming over my head. Mata says that she want me to marry, but who am I supposed to marry? Oh Narayan, just like my mother I too am putting all my faith in you. Please guide me in the right direction.

Aadrika's pov

I am about to get married. Yaaay! eye roll
I did agree for the swayamvar but I also made sure that my terms were met. Mata was a little wary about it, but Pitashree agreed readily. It was my life, its only fair that I get the chance to pick my suitor. I never fully understood how swayamvar worked. How can I pick my life partner on the very same day of marriage? By just performing a task? Mata narrated her swayamvar and how she asked everyone a single question. Pitashree is kind and sweet but how can I be sure that my husband would be the same? Also, I don't even think I have the question that could help me choose someone. This is exactly why I decided to conduct the swayamvar differently. I asked pitashree for all the names of the suitors. A few days ago, I decided to send some of my guptchar to their kingdoms. I know as royals it is our duty to serve the people of the kingdom but some people forget this. I want to make sure my husband works for the welfare of the kingdom and is well loved by the people.

"Aadrika, drop this stubborn attitude of yours now ! The portraits have arrived, what do you mean you don't want to look at them? It was a mistake to allow this madness and I'll be damned if I let it continue...",my mother fumed. I refused to look at the portraits because I wanted to wait for my spies to arrive, if I have already waited so long for the information what is the harm in a few more hours?
"No, I have explained my reasons Maa, you both agreed previously!", I tried to remind her. Before she could object we heard someone say, "Let her be Maharani Vasundhara....You should be proud of your daughter instead!"
I turned around to see Bhrata Balram and Krishna standing at the entrance. "Bhrata, I am so glad you're here finally !" I ran towards them to give them a hug. These two weren't related to me by blood but love. They visit very often and both pamper me like their own sister, even subhadra and I share a loving bond. Bhrata Krishna always stands up for me when I put forward my views and has helped gain confidence in myself over the years. I knew they would support my decision, which is why I wrote them a letter explaining everything.
"How can you say that, Putra? My daughter is getting married in a few weeks and is hell bent on breaking every single rule there has ever been. How can I allow this, when people will find out they will speak harshly of her!", my mother cried out.
Bhrata Krishna walked towards and put a hand on my head," Sometimes it only takes a single step to change the mankind. I can assure you, my baby sister has a great future ahead. Besides, didn't the raj purohit say that will be she well-loved by her subjects and will bring about the change for a better society? Isn't it better that she picks a husband who actually has a good merit instead of someone who is simply worthy because of his status?" I looked over to see a knowing look in his eyes ,he spoke as if he knew the person I'm going to marry. "By the way, the princess of Manipur is getting married so she'll be leaving in sometime...Can someone please bring over some sweets, I'm sure she'll miss them after her marriage",said Bhrata Balram, he was looking here and there as if looking for the sweets hidden in my room ! I chuckled,"Bhrata if you want to eat the sweets, just say that...don't drag me into this !" Everyone started laughing as Bhrata glared at me.
With the arrival of Dwarkadheesh, it was as if the worries of the princess had vanished in thin air. She felt better about her decisions and knew it would yield good results. At the end of the day she prayed to Narayan, asking him to stand by her, for it would give her the strength to take on any challenge in life. Narayan smiled at his devotee, and promised her that he would never leave her side.

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