Chapter 4

The next morning.....

Aadrika's pov

As a punishment for yesterdays argument, Matashree decided to wake me up before sunrise and start looking at the portraits. Looking at the number of pictures that we had, I knew it was going to be a long day. I asked Bhrata Krishna to read the information about the suitor first, so that things can go fast. After hearing about almost 10 suitors and not liking a single one, it started getting really boring. "And this is Sindhu Naresh Jaydrath, he has.." "Please Govind ,I have met Sindhu Naresh and he is not a kind man, our sister will not be happy with him.", said Bhrata Kairav. "Okay, lets move on.....This is Madhyama Pandava Arjun, he is very handsome and is one of the best archer in the world. He is my best friend, so you know that I can guarantee everything that is written here.", smiled Bhrata. At hearing his name, my mother, who was sitting behind me, jumped with joy and exclaimed," This will be the perfect match! My daughter will marry a kaunteya. Aadrika, their parents are ardent followers of Dharma so you know you will be happy with them. Putra Balram, show us the portrait please." It was true, Rajkumar Arjun was very handsome, and just by the looks I can tell that he was a skilled warrior. I have heard about his family, well-respected and well-loved by everyone. Marrying him would help build our relations with Hastinapur and make them stronger. Could this be the man I am meant to be with? Reluctantly, I kept his picture aside.

"This next one is quite interesting if I say so myself. Angraj Karn, he became the king on the basis of his merit, by challenging Arjun at the kala-pradarshan. Within one year, he has changed the face of Ang and helped the kingdom prosper. Since day one he has only worked for the people and the whole kingdom loves him. They really appreciate the development the kingdom is going through." Upon hearing his name, I blushed a little, I did hear a little about him while helping Pitashree at the court. Even Pitashree admires him, I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my mother's voice, "Putra, show us his portrait, this could be a good match as well." The moment I saw the portrait I was stunned at the radiance of this man, he had sharp features and a broad , muscly body. Just like Arjun he too looked like a fierce warrior, but his face was much more calm and relaxed than Rajkumar Arjun. He too was an archer, and a very skilled one from what I have heard.

I don't know how long it had been until I heard Bhrata Krishna whisper, "You are drooling a little, my dear sister! Should we just call him and extend the marriage invitation? Why go through the pain of conducting a swayamvar then?", he smirked. My blush deepened, now covering my face in a scarlet hue, I punch him on the shoulder playfully as Bhrata Balram chuckled lowly. After looking at the portraits I had made my decision, I went to Bhrata Balram and told him about the invitation, an archery competition. Everyone understood that I would either pick Rajkumar Arjun or Angraj Karn. Suddenly Bhrata Shivesh broke the silence, "Ira, we know you are going to pick one of the two archers, but what if the other one completes the task?" After hearing this Bhrata Kairaav and Mata frowned as well, but I chuckled. "Bhrata you already know that Narayan helps every time, even when I prank someone YOU are the one who gets the scolding. Do you think he would leave my hand at this moment?" Bhrata Krishna chuckled and smiled at me.

I got up and walked towards the temple outside ,I sat in front of Narayan and prayed to him, "Since day one you've blessed me with everything, now I ask for your help once again. You already know everything, which is why I want you to bless my bow. Only the person who is truly meant to be mine would be able to life the bow. I truly believe that you were with me at every part of my life, please stand by me on my swayamvar as well. Thank you." I sat there for sometime, as it calmed my restless heart.

Krishna, who sitting inside the palace smiled. He loved his devotees whole-heartedly, and Aadrika had always put all her faith on him. How can he deny a request from such a pure soul? As per the plan, invitations were sent out for the swayamvar. The task of archery was also mentioned. Now let destiny play its part, for soon it will the beginning of the phase which would change the history of mankind. And Narayan's Devotee and Krishna's sister will have a huge role to play in it.

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