Chapter 5

Karna' pov

Today was very hectic, so I didn't have the chance to meet my mother but I knew she had made a friend amongst the palace workers and had gone to the royal garden with her.
After I finished all of the work, I walked to my mother's chamber when I saw her running towards me. She had a look of pure joy and her smile was wide you count all her teeth. I wonder what happened....
"Putra, this is what I was talking about. Narayan has always answered my prayers. Look...An invitation has arrived ! The swayamvar of the princess of Manipur. Oh putra I am so happy. You must go !" I looked at her ,baffled. An invitation to the swayamvar? I forced a smile, not really knowing what to say.
I was about to reach my chambers when I saw the Mahamantri walking towards me. He had a letter in his hand, thinking it was a political matter. "Maharaj, I wanted to personally give you this invitation. I know marriage might not be your priority, but I think you should consider it. Manipur has great relations with most of the kingdoms in Bharatvarsh, which means that this marriage will help us develop relations as well. The Maharaj is a very kind and just ruler, all the royals are well-loved by the people. The Kingdom's prosperity speaks for itself. As for the princess, the people adore her and refer to her as the jewel of Manipur. Maharaj, because of you Ang Pradesh is on the path to become a well-established kingdom, but there are somethings for which the people would need their queen for. I can already tell you that this marriage proposal is an amazing opportunity in every way, it would help us better our relations with other kingdoms, and most importantly Ang Pradesh would get a Queen which would bring them closer and help us connect with the people more." When he finished, I realized that he was right. In Hastinapur as well, people preferred speaking with Maharani Gandhari far more than the Maharaj or Gangaputra. The women felt more comfortable sharing their woes with the Queen. I asked for the invitation and returned to my chambers. As I sat on the bed, I unfolded the scroll and began to read the invitation.
A task. A challenge for us to perform. It clearly states that the bow can only be lifted by on person, the one that princess chooses. But how will she know? Usually the task is what determines the merit.....This is very confusing! I am very curious about the task though, I feel like there is something we don't know about. A catch . I can't help but be intrigued.
I keep the scroll aside, and fell into a deep slumber. Tomorrow I will tell Mahamantri and Mata that I'll be participating in the swayamvar. The rest is in Narayan's hands.
Aadrika's pov

Once again, following our routine, Bhrata Shivesh and I were running around the palace. I took some of his laddoos and now there none left in kitchen either. I had the last laddoo in my hand and was running around giggling when I saw bhrata stop. He had a sad smile on his face, it made me a little worried. "Bhrata, what happened? Are you giving up? I still have your laddoo!!", I try to edge him. He looked at me and chuckled, " Behna, you eat the last laddoo. I fought with you all this time thinking I will have time to make up to you. But now I feel like we have limited time before you and I will be separated. I don't want to waste this time in fighting." My heart broke, I was so focused on making sure my terms were met , I forgot that after the swayamavar I would have to leave my home. Instantly tears fill my eyes, threatening to spill, I clench my fists to control myself but the moment I felt Bhrata's hand on my shoulder, I lost control. I ran into his arms, and sobbed violently as he embraced me tightly.

"Bhrata, I don't want to leave my home, this isn't fair. How will I survive without arguing with you? Or pranking Bhrata Kariav with you? Or crying in front of Jyeshth so he would scold you? I don't want to leave Maa and Pitashree. You know how I am....even Guruma hates me for my decisions sometimes, why would a stranger accept it? I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE MANIPUR BHRATA....",I yelled, I could feel Bhrata sobbing slightly on my shoulder. "Why are you crying so much? Right after your marriage, all of us would come visit. Then why are you worrying? And who knows maybe you'll find a better home....",I heard Bhrata Krishna walk in. We turn towards him, both still sniffling when he suddenly starts laughing ,"Look at your faces....all red and puffy. Oh I think everyone should see this. Let me call everyone". As everyone walked in, Bhrata Krishna explained the situation, making everyone emotional, even Bhrata Balram. Suddenly Bhrata Krishna pulled me aside and said, "In future, you might face situations where your views might differ from your loved ones, and in that moment I want you to stand for what is right. It might seem scary and lonely, but hold your head high. Even if nobody would stand with you, I hope you know that all of your brothers would always stand with you. You are stronger than you realize Aadrika, never doubt yourself or your decisions." He was fully serious now, I nodded. "Bhrata, You'll help with those choices right?", I ask. I don't think I could ever go against any of them, the pain would be unbearable. He held my hand tightly before looking up at me, "Dwarka is yours, Manipur is yours, One word and we'll be there for you. And if at any point you feel like you need a place to hide, away from the rest of the world, I want you to remember that Dwarka's gates are open for everyone, especially for the sister of mine.
Do you think any of us would let you stand alone? Forget about us, do you think your  Bhrata Balram and Jyeshth would let you stand alone? You do know how much they love you, or have you forgotten all the times they would scold all of us , younger brothers, just because there was a tear in your eye.". Everyone laughs, he always makes me remember the ONE time he got yelled at me, I also had to listen to Maa talk about "duties of women" for an hour....do you see me complaining?

"He is right choti, if any one dares hurt you, just send me his name, I will snap him in half!", yells a very emotional Bhrata Balram. I look at him, as Bhrata Krishna whispers in my ear," I wish I knew this....I could have used YOU to steal the sweets and makhan ! Mata's yelling would have been Dau's problem then.", making me giggle. Dau looked at us amused,"Kanha, What are you talking about? I was the one who was always caught.....I was the one who got the yelled....You have forgetful memory i think !!."
As I sat in my room, looking up at the moon, I try to calm my beating heart. In a few days, I'll be a married woman. My mind wanders to what Bhrata Krishna said......Every time his advice has a hidden answer, to a question I'll come across in the future. Why would I have to hide? Why would I stand alone? He kept repeating how Dwarka and Manipur are mine, and they would stand by me....What does the future have in store for me? Does this mean I'll go against my husband? Would the argument be so serious that it would involve our kingdoms as well?

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