Chapter 10

Karna's pov
I was filled with panic, I didn't want her to leave. But how can I stop her after everything that has happened? If she did decided on leaving, how would I even object her decision?
I looked at her, hoping she stays. "Bhrata, I can't leave. This is also my home now. And what disrespect are you talking about? You should be proud of your Ira. We won a war bhrata.",she said, with a proud smile. "Yes, you did. And all of us very proud that you protected your kingdom like a true queen. But do you realise that you had to step in because Angraj left you without a second glance? Do you realise that you could have been forced to surrender? You are new here, of course the people's loyalty would be to their king first! You might have established a stable trusting relationship with the people of Ang Pradesh, but what about your husband? Do you trust him at all? And before you say anything let me tell you that this exactly how all of us feel. You are our only sister, we've seen you grow up in our arms. How can you expect us to be okay with this? ",said Rajkumar Shivesh, his voice cracking at the end. Her smile faltered, but she caught herself, thinking no one had noticed, but I did. "Bhrata Krishna, Are you with them as well? Or will you side with your partner-in-crime?" ,she asked.

Third person pov
Krishna could feel her hurting on the inside, she was putting on a brave facade to make sure there is peace between her family in Manipur and Ang. He smiled at her, " Of course! Sometimes I think we are the only ones who are sensible here." She chuckled, but this time it was real. She was thankful that Krishna understood her. It took a lot of convincing before the princes returned. Balram made sure that Duryodhan and his entire family was out of Anga before leaving himself. Before leaving Mahamantri Vidur left a scroll for the Queen, he knew it would the Queen for sure. He prayed to Narayan that she understands the message.

Karna walked towards her with determination. He wanted to apologize and clear every misunderstanding between them. As she stood on the balcony, watching her family leave, her face was like a stone, devoid of any emotion. Karna didn't know how to approach her, so he just stood there.

Aadrika's pov

I could feel him standing at a distance. "Why are you standing there Angraj? Do come inside.", I speak in a monotone, barely moving. "Aadrika, Please forgive me.....I had no idea such a thing would happen.....I...",he paused before confessing everything, every single one of his insecurities. I listened to him in silence. I could feel my anger surface but I tried to suppress it and say, "Its fine Angraj...Everything is in the past, lets forget it." He shakes his head, "No no no Aadrika, what happened was not okay. Please open up. Tell me exactly how you feel. I know you must be hurt..." A laughter escapes my lips. "This is your problem Angraj !You think you know everything. But the truth is, even if you are a great warrior, you don't have a single clue about the things that matter! You assumed that I have some sort of relationship with Arjun, DID YOU FOR ONCE THINK ABOUT ACTUALLY TALKING TO ME?? IF YOU REALLY KNOW EVERYTHING THEN YOU PROBABLY ALSO KNOW HOW HURT I WAS WHEN YOU LEFT ME. I GAVE YOU THE OPTION....IF YOU HAD SO MANY DOUBTS THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAVE? WHY DID YOU MARRY ME?
I BARED MY HEART OUT TO YOU ANGRAJ ! I TOLD YOU THE VERY SAME DAY THAT I HAD SELECTED YOU EVEN BEFORE YOU EVEN ENTERED MANIPUR. THEN HOW CAN YOU DOUBT ME? DID YOU EVEN GIVE ME A CHANCE ?",I yelled at end. I can't hide my feelings anymore. Even though the people of Ang were nothing but kind to me, I couldn't ignore the constant questioning gaze. "If you know everything, you must also know about how everyone found it odd that I was sitting in the havan alone, that my husband chose to entertain his friends even before completing the sacred rituals that we were meant to perform together?", I whispered, I had no energy left to yell. It was obviously very strange that the Queen was taking the tours alone, sitting in the puja alone, meeting the members of the court alone. I just can't keep it in and start weeping.

Karna's pov
Looking at her weep, made me ache.
I just want to comfort her.
"I am sorry. I truly am. I know that I was wrong and I am not asking you to forgive me. Not anymore. Just give me the chance to prove myself. I like you a lot Aadrika , just let me prove that my feelings are earnest. Please." ,I pleaded. I understood my mistake. I never really bothered to consider her feelings in this matter, but if given the chance I will mend this gap. She looked at me, with puffy eyes. She to sober herself, before speaking.
"Okay, I do want our relationship to work. I understand you have some insecurities Angraj, all of us do. I can't judge whether your insecurities are big or small, but I can hold your hand when you feel low. I know my brothers are angry because I had fight a war alone but that does not bother me. I was hurt because I felt lonely here. This is not my home Angraj, at least not yet. I could've only turned to you for comfort when I was feeling homesick but you weren't here. What made things worse was that it feels like a punishment for a crime I didn't commit. And this could've been avoided if we had just sat down to talk once." ,she whispered. Her throat must have gotten sore after everything, plus she is still not fully healed. I take her hand and help her towards the bed, I ask the dasi to bring some warm water with ginger and honey to help her throat. "From today onwards I swear I will share everything with you. You are my wife, my ardhangini, I want you to be a part of my life in every way. Once again, I only ask for a chance to redeem myself.", I tell, while giving her the water. She smiles slightly and nods her head in approval. Before I say anything else ,Mata barged into the room and pushed me away. "Stay away from her. Aadrika no need to forgive him, let him work for it. Even after getting married, you prioritised your friends, do you not know anything ?",she yells. I looked at her shocked, what did I to her? "I am taking her with me, you stay here!", she continues. "Mata I...", I tried explaining but her glare shut me off. Suddenly we heard a giggle, I turned in the direction to find Aadrika in a giggling fit. Her smile is like a breath of fresh air. "Mata, don't worry....I am not forgiving him, I am only giving him a chance. For that I'll have to stay here...",she chuckled. Mata relaxed visibly but still sent me a glare. She then proceeded to fuss over Aadrika, who enjoyed the shower of love.
It had been a few days since then, and things were slowly getting better. Karn, true to his word, was doing everything to make Aadrika happy. He actively made sure to think about her happiness and about her comfort. Aadrika too made sure her husband had a safe space with her. Both could feel their feelings grow each day, though neither understood how to approach the foreign topic.

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