Chapter 14

Third person pov 

Karn froze for a few seconds, trying to confirm if  he had heard correctly and Aadrika had truly confessed . Meanwhile Aadrika, beneath the smirk, held a breath in hopes of having her feelings accepted. But as the seconds passed by, the panic set in replacing the hope. What if it was too early? What if everything was just in her head? What if...

"Do you really love me?", asked Karn, still trying to confirm. He was hoping to confess his feelings as well, but the recent events made him think of waiting for a while. "I really do, Aarya",she replied. She looks up at him before continuing," Our relationship had a bit of a rocky start and I will admit I was a little too harsh on you. I understand that the issues arose because of a lack of communication and I don't want us to repeat this. On my part, I will try to convey my feelings in their pure and raw form instead of sugar-coating them, and I request you do the same. To start, I never  doubted you regarding your friendship with Vrushali, or even when she confessed her feelings. I was, I admit, jealous due to the fact that that another woman had already developed the closeness and trust that I was aiming for. But that was something that I had to work on and was not your issue to solve. Regarding what happened before that, I had made feelings clear . So the only thing I have left to address is my affection for you. I have loved you since the second the I heard your name, I had no idea why. Every second that I have spent with you, it doesn't feel foreign or unknown but it feels just right. It is like we have met before. It makes me wonder if we were together in our previous lives and makes me hope that we stay together in the ones that follow. Even during the swayamvar, a part of me already knew what the Lord's would choose for me. Bhrata Krishna, although he denies, knew as well I think. I wanted to tell you about my feelings long before, but I always contemplated if the time was truly right or if I was rushing things ."  Miles away in Dwarka Krishna laughs joyfully, "My dear sister hasn't learnt the art of keeping secrets. The world should rejoice as another fated couple will finally reunite today."

"I promise you that I will give my everything to this relationship. I've never truly had the chance of experiencing true love, but now that I have you.....I don't ever want to let go. Thank the Gods above for  everything that they have bestowed upon me. I would through all the hardships and pain again, for this moment. Right now, I feel like the richest person in the world, I have my parents who have stood by my side, A friend who respected me as an equal when most even refused to treat me as a human and you, the one who has taken the reigns of my heart.", he confessed. They both knew how important this was for their relationship. Both of them, apart from other flaws, had a strong sense of self respect which can sometimes turn a trivial issue into a gigantic obstacle. By being open about their feelings, they could help each other with their insecurities and worries. 

"The day isn't over yet Angraj. Please spend it with me. Let's forget the duties and commitments of a royal. Let's spend this day as if the only titles we had were of husband and wife.", requested Aadrika. "Your wish is my command.", replied Karn.    Suddenly a smirk graced the Queen's face, "I know a place where we can go. Nobody but I know of that place." And with that, she took off while pulling the King of Anga behind her. It took a little while but they both reached a secluded part of the forest located on the outskirts of the fort. Even though the bushes and plants were unkempt, the place looked beautiful. "How did you come here ?", asked Karna. This place was densely covered with greens and wasn't properly checked making it a little dangerous to walk alone. "I asked a few dasis to show me around the palace a few days ago. That is when I  noticed this area. I though this would make a great place of leisure. The flowers here have bloomed beautifully and might even grow better if cared for. ", replied Aadrika. While listening to Aadrika, Karna made a mental note to get this forest groomed. All it needs is a little cleaning and then he could bring her here again. They walked through the forest on Aadrika's insistence, this was her chance to explore deeper alone. They both talked about random things that crossed their mind, once again the dark clouds had lifted.  

After returning from the forest the two royals immediately took on their duties, although their heart betrayed them. Every few seconds their minds would wander back to the confession and make them blush or smile, which was followed by attempts to gain back their lost concentration. Both understood that for their relationship communication was key. Most of the past issues had arose due to minor misunderstandings and could have been solved with a simple heart to heart. The day went by, and soon they were walking towards the dining hall to meet for dinner. 


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